It’s the first warm days of spring and I’ve hit riders block… I have no desire to swim or run for my tri training, and I have little desire to jump in the saddle.
I spent the last 3 months dreaming of these 60 degree days, plotting my paths, building my, now massive, quads in preparation for 20 mile rides, and I’m just not interested.
I’ll tell you why I think this is. I have a few ideas;
1. I live on the 4th floor of a walk-up on the top of a hill. If I want to ride, I throw my bike on my shoulder and walk it down 4 flights of steps. Not so bad, but when I get back, I first have to climb a half mile hill on the girl, and then throw her over my shoulder, fight the heavy front doors to my apartment, and haul her back up 4 flights. Just the idea of it makes me grumpy.
2. I just don’t like being a nuisance. I’m not that biker that flies through intersections on a red without looking, I check my shoulder to see if anyone’s behind me before making any lane changes… I’m a considerate traffic participant.
That being said, I get a little anxious riding on open roads. I love riding trails where everyone is high-fiving and enjoying the outdoors… but I almost ran into a car today who didn’t use a turning signal, I ride so close to the parked cars because I’m trying to give the drivers a full lane that I’m afraid I’m going to clip a mirror. When I do make it out to the open road, I have anxieties about what the drivers are thinking of me, if they will give me a full lane when they pass and if they’ll give themselves enough time to get back over before the oncoming traffic comes.
3. I love riding with friends. I like having some company and a little encouragement on the high hills and head winds. However, my last 3 friendly rides have gone like this; Mullet’s to Mars- My friend Krista likes to bike, but she hasn’t been hitting the gym like I have preparing. She likes to leisurely stroll on her big bulky cruiser, I wanted to be the first one at every stop, leading the pack. I heard one guy say to another, “you don’t get to be the fast one” as they sped past us. I want to be the fast one! I should note though, I had a BLAST, and I love my dear friend Krista. We actually went on a walk the next day and pushed each other up a big hill west on Grand. We just aren’t in the same cycling mindset. The second ride began with my friend Kevin coming to borrow one of my bikes. We carried them both down the 4 flights and jumped on… And then my back tire locked up! The alloy quick releases just aren’t doing their job. I since got it fixed, but I’m not convinced I won’t switch to steel before RAGBRAI. Finally the latest buddy ride I went on was with my friend Rebekah. I went on a ride with her last year and she kicked by butt. I hadn’t been riding at all, and she was on her sporty road bike, and I was on my then 100% mountain bike. That said, I was sucking air on our totally flat trip past Napier over by Ames. It wasn’t a good ride, and I felt like the fat kid who can’t walk up a full flight of steps. This time I was confident. She’s been running and I’ve been biking, I thought at least I could keep up… and I did for the first leg. Downhill and with the wind. Then we stopped to check the time and it was clear she was down for more and I was ready to turn around. We turned around, because I get what I want, and with the wind in my face and the seemingly hillier terrain, she kicked my rear all the way back to Ames. We got done and I was sure we had gone 20 miles… nope. 10. Good 10 mile ride Alisa… Get ready for 6 more of those EVERY DAY for a week.
The idea of training for RAGBRAI and a triathlon has gotten daunting. I’m scared to run, I don’t enjoy swimming anymore. I don’t want to stop loving my bike.
I hate to say it, but I’m considering dropping the triathlon to focus on RAGBRAI. If you have time, leave me an encouraging note or send me some advice. Leave it here or, as always, I’m tweeting my progress on @alisa_who.