Saturday, March 5, 2011

Types you’ll find in spinning class:

Types you’ll find in spinning class:

Spinning All Star: The best in the class… he was there an hour early to get warmed up. He’s got a RAGBRAI II Jersey on and attacks hills with the ferocity of this girl

Excited newbie: She’s fresh off a marathon and is ready for something new. In her eyes, there’s nothing like the sound of her hoofs hitting the pavement, but she’s excited to trade it in a few days a week for some strobe lights and 80’s pop. She’s got the pep of a cheerleader… in fact, are those pom poms you see in her gym bag?

Disgruntled Newbie: She is new but she’s not happy about it. The instructor says, “turn it up to 8…” and she looks at him like he has 3 heads. Sweat is flying all over and she might as well be talking to Charlie Sheen, because none of this makes sense to her. Somewhere between Tiger’s Blood and seated sprint she hits the door. Mumbling something about Pilates next time.

Oldie but a Goodie: He looks like he’s pushing 80, but he rocks your socks off on the bike. There’s not arthritis in those knees. They’re flying faster than the instructor’s!

Discontent Regular: She can’t pick a bike, she can’t get her seat high enough, her cleats won’t clip in. It’s just not her day… EVERY WEEK.

Sandy Beaches: This guy knows in his heart, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere. He just doesn’t put in the effort asked. You’re doing a standing sprint at level 9 and he’s somewhere around 2 winking at the girl across the room. He gives off the “it’s not as hard as it looks” vibe, and you just want to scream, that’s because you’re not working very hard!

1 comment:

  1. LOVED THIS POST! My first, and only, spin class had my heart pumping so bad that I was 5 seconds from passing out. Literally, instructor had to interfere and she was talking with me and I had to say, "What? I can't hear you. Everything is really muffled sounding. I think I might throw up." I was definitely the disgruntled newbie. But you forgot the one-timer ;) That HAS to be a type too.
