Thursday, March 10, 2011

Build The Trails

The Board of Supervisors in Guthrie County voted 3-2 to turn down an already-approved development grant of $365,000 for a 17-mile trail across the county. They also refuse to take ownership or take responsibility for maintenance if it does get built.

The trail is also part of the proposed American Discovery Trail which is a network of trails stretching across the US.

A crowd of 60 people showed up to attend the hour-long public hearing on Thursday morning before the supervisors took their vote. 60 people! And on a Thursday morning. Most of these people probably took the morning off from work to voice their opinions. Almost all of the people who attended were in favor of the trail. They’re in favor of the economic boost it could give to struggling, small town Iowa.

Just a handful of people voiced their opposition to the trail project saying the maintenance costs and legal liability that would come with ownership would be a drain on Guthrie County taxpayers. (This was after a guy from the St. Gregory Retreat Center volunteered the center to do trail inspections, pick-up trash and do light maintenance.)

When I read this I immediately thought about my own pocketbook. I thought about how I’m trying to pinch pennies. I haven’t been to Smokey Row in a month, I’m trying to decide if I should spend $5 to get into an office March Madness pool… I have my money packed into envelopes labeled, “groceries”, “gas”, “savings”, “debt”. I’m on a major money diet.

I know where all my money is going, but there are a few things I don’t regret spending my money on; Y membership, my new bike, and fresh fruits and vegetables. I don’t regret spending money on these things because my health is important to me and I know I’ll see the return in my investment in the lack of hospital bills and prescriptions.

My message to Guthrie County is this; those trails will be used. They will be used by kids learning to ride their bikes, by senior citizens getting out of the house to get some fresh air, by moms and dads needing a moment away from the kids. Those trails will be used by your family and my family, and for the sake of our health, BUILD THE TRAILS.

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