Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Today was a turning point in my RAGBRAI journey. I met a lady named Mary and rode almost the whole ride with her. The time flew with someone else to share the misery with.
Second, and possibly the best RAGBRAI miracle is that my mom's friend lives in Boone, and she invited me over for a shower and a steak dinner! And my parents came to visit. I'm sitting here right now and we're all visiting. I'm eyeing the leftover chocolate chip cookies.
The day was pretty flat except for Twister Hill. A guy passed me on the way to the hill after about 6 miles of signs warning us, and he said, "It's a bad sign when they've named the hill..." I agree. Hills with names are bad news. According to the signs it was about 1.5 miles of hill. I think I made it about .5 miles. I walked a mile up a hill.
Last note of the day: I saw Lance Armstrong! I didn't realize it until I was back at camp and the guys were saying that they saw him riding with a double wide pace line and everyone was in white. A pace line is just a line of riders drafting off one another and a double wide one is rare. Especially going about 25 mph down the left side of RAGBRAI! But I remember seeing that pace line... So I saw Lance.
I didn't do the Karras Loop, which makes the 70 mile day a century (100 miles). Just incase you were wondering.

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